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Home Crypt Nutrition of a nursing mother, menu of a nursing mother, proper nutrition of a nursing mother

Nutrition of a nursing mother, menu of a nursing mother, proper nutrition of a nursing mother

by aboutweeks

The breastfeeding period is a particularly important period when the mother gives her child the perfect food for development and growth. In breast milk of matter, there are the most found nutrients that contribute to the healthy and of course the strong growth of the baby. Breastfeeding also promotes antibodies for the baby, which helps to reduce the risk of serious infections. Every woman who breastfeeding a baby constantly should constantly think about her needs, as well as about the needs of the baby. The diet of a nursing mother should be balanced and always fresh. A nursing woman should take care of her needs, since only she can give her baby everything necessary for a full life. The diet of a nursing mother should be designed for both the woman herself and for the baby. So that after feeding, the mother did not feel sluggish and studied. Daily requirements for a clumsy mother can be the same as that of a pregnant woman. The nursing mother should not sit on a low -calorie diet in any occasion.

So it can weaken its body and of course the baby’s body. Experts recommend eating three times a day, and between them you can spend small tea drinks. If at this moment you decided to lose a little and start to observe a diet. Only you need to remember what exactly should be included in your diet during breastfeeding: – fresh fruits and vegetables enriched with proteins and vitamins, as well as fiber. Useful fats and protein foods. A nursing mother should drink clean water daily, do not get carried away during feeding with caffeam and tea. Water is necessary in order for the quality of milk to improve. In any case, a nursing woman should not drink alcoholic drinks, alcohol, penetrating the blood, can indulge in the child through milk. The specialist recommends that he abandon the following drinks and products during the feeding period: – coffee, stake, alcohol cocktails, beer, carbonated drinks, chocolate, etc.D. Chocolate can be consumed only in small quantities.

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