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Pickup for girls

by aboutweeks

A pickup for girls or a female pickup, of course, should differ from a male pickup. The main difference is that the purpose of the pickupa for Zhenyahchin at the time of acquaintance is to, using absolutely any ways to try to leave the initiative after the man, that is, to make him want to seduce her himself. Most men admit that they always pay more attention to unfamiliar, that with a direct look they smile a little.

Pickup rules for girls:

When pickling for girls, it is worth a maximum of half a meter to approach a man to enter his personal zone, since it is at this distance that friends and close people communicate. Of course, it will be even better if he himself approaches you.

In order to attract additionally the attention of a man, you can have some kind of unusual subject attracting attention with you. For example, a textbook that belongs to a completely “non -female” profession, or an unusual accessory. Since this is what you give a man the opportunity to start the conversation first.

If even after that you could not hear a single word from a man, then you yourself need to start a conversation using the phrases “where?”, “What?” and why?”. Natural male instinct of help to the lady should help you with this. So feel free to get a man with a man, while dropping everything that is in your hands, slide or stumble next to him.

A pickup for girls usually requires the fair sex not only to seduce a high ability, but also the ability to communicate. So, as soon as the conversation has begun, your main task is to stay as natural as possible, without showing your own sympathy, but at the same time remaining a very interesting interlocutor for a man. A rather important point in the pickup technique for girls is a clear desire to answer male questions as often as possible, thereby provoking the interlocutor to clarifying questions.

The most difficult thing will be your first acquaintance with the attracted man. But, if you have a desire to achieve success in pickups for girls, then start with a simple. For example, just ask everyone with a nice guys who meet on the road, how much time, or how to get to a certain place. And you will see how your mood and attitude to life will change. There are no doubt, since men will instantly notice it.

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