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Your car care products

by aboutweeks

Let’s talk about those tools that experienced motorists use to care for their car. It is recommended to ride a contactless sink so that your car does not rub any brushes and rags, where the main dirt is first knocked down, after the car is doused with special active foam.

Let’s talk about those tools that experienced motorists use to care for their car. It is recommended to ride a contactless sink so that your car does not rub any brushes and rags, where the main dirt is first knocked down, after the car is doused with special active foam.

For a while, the car is in this foam and then carefully rinses. They wash the discs, and then the whole machine is wiped dry dry with a clean rag. It is best two times a year after the winter and in the cold period to process the machine with “liquid glass”. After it, the car shines, and the water just rolls from it. This thing is very comfortable. Because it is not so pestering dirt to the paintwork, it is easier to wash the car, it acquires a slight shine.

For washing the car, the liquid is poured into the washer tank. In the cold season, the “anti -fried” is used, and in warm – ordinary water. A special tablet is thrown into the wiper tank. It turns out a certain soap composition that does not leave any divorces on the windshield. Engine care. Always arriving at the sink, you should ask the washer to wipe under the hood. If you do this regularly, your engine will always be clean. In the case when this is not done in the cold period, your hood can simply prohibition and it will be very difficult to open it. When washing the machine, it is necessary to wipe the rubber seals so that the trunk lid is not frozen in the cold time.

It is also necessary to always try to wipe the gas tank cover dry, especially in the winter, so that at the refueling this cover is by no means fruits. To care for the outer part of the car, shampoos, polishes, lotions for car leather inside the cabin, a liquid for caring for plastic parts of the cabin, an emulsion for plastic (with which the plastic acquires a new and shiny look), a remedy for mosquitors (which are processed as glass, are used. So is the license plate). All funds are recommended to shake. For the use of all car care products, it is recommended to wear disposable gloves, since the chemical components of all products can adversely affect the condition of the skin of your hands.

To care for chrome parts of the car, a polish protection polish is used. The polish is sprayed into a clean rag, rubbed through the chrome elements of the car and after some time polished. Then all chrome details will be like new. After your car is completely washed and polished, they start the wheels. Not only discs need care, but also Yokohama Ice Guard IG50 – ShINALAND/YOKOHAMA/Iceguard -IG50. To give the effect of a new wheel, an airplane airplane is used for tires. There are a huge number of such funds on sale. It is very convenient to apply air conditioner foam on a sponge for shoes and grind along the black surface of the rubber. The skin of the salon also needs regular care, since it constantly experiences certain loads, heats up in the sun, is subject to other influences.

There are enough funds for car skin care. Salon skin care consists of three stages:

– cleaning;

– recovery;

– fixing.

Three funds are used for this:

– A special foam is applied to a leather seat, passes 2-3 minutes;

– The restorer of the skin thoroughly rubs into the skin without leaving any traces;

– The fixer is a colorless spray with which the leather upholstery of the seats is sprayed and wipes dry with a clean rag.

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