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Home Sport Zero resistance filter

Zero resistance filter

by aboutweeks

Very often experienced motorists resort to engine tuning. From one point of view, this is very good. With the correct selection of all parts, calculation and their correct installation, you can significantly increase the engine power, while even reducing fuel consumption.

Very often experienced motorists resort to engine tuning. From one point of view, this is very good. With the correct selection of all parts, calculation and their correct installation, you can significantly increase the engine power, while even reducing fuel consumption.

There are cases when experienced masters from a motor with a capacity of 200 liters.With. They squeezed as much as 700! One of the popular additions to a standard engine is a zero resistance filter. About him further and we will be discussed.

For the entire time of using the filter, the opinions of users have been very divided – some consider this a completely useless addition, which only prevents the desired amount of air into the combustion chamber, others adhere to the fact that the nulevik actually gives the motor a couple of horsepower forces.

In fact, the cleaner the air, the easier and more intensively burning fuel. The purified air is able to influence not only in the combustion chamber, but also protect the walls of air collectors, as well as the entire CPG. Very often, engine breakdown is caused by various slags (small pebbles, burning, dust, dirt). Other systems, for example, exhaust. The air filter will protect the motor from such contaminants without problems. But if the air will be cleansed at the beginning of its path, accordingly, it will linger, and as a result, its lack in the cylinders, you say, but this is not so. The fact is that the filter has a specially designed shape, which cleanses the air and supplies its required amount almost without loss of air flow pressure.

Air filter problem is its clogging. It is necessary to clean it using special technology and special means every 5,000 km of run, and ideally 3,3,000 km once. In order for the zero filter to clog less, it is recommended, of course, to clean all the parts and departments of the machine clean. Naturally, it is not always possible to rinse everything manually, or for a very long time, so you can use equipment for car wash. The price of it varies in a very wide spectrum, but no matter what technique you choose, it will greatly facilitate car care.

Basically, the zero resistance filter can add about 10% of the power to the engine. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to feel this increase in the city while driving around the city, but on racing cars it is quite noticeable. Basically, zero filters are installed on sports engines, it adds beautiful sound and beauty.

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