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5 myths about fuel saving

by aboutweeks

Oil is getting more expensive or cheaper, but a simple car enthusiast in our country has to pay per liter of gasoline or diesel fuel increasingly solid amounts. Involuntarily, many are looking for ways to reduce fuel costs due to various devices and techniques to save fuel. We’ll talk about different “economizers” and magical “inserts” another time, and now we will consider those “smart” tips, which, performing which, allegedly can be reduced by gas expenses for gasoline. Is it really?

The first advice

“When refueling in the morning, the density of gasoline is greater, it is cold, so it is more in the tank …”

In fact, the temperature in the regional storage practically does not change, so refuel at any time. Perhaps this myth has remained since the appearance of the first private refueling with aboveground containers under the fuel.

The second advice

“Replacing the air filter leads to fuel saving …”

Air filter clogged with dust can lead to a significant oil consumption in a diesel engine and a decrease in power

gasoline engine, but practically does not affect fuel consumption.

The third advice

“The better gasoline, the less the flow rate …”

The quality of gasoline refueling affects the proper operation of the car engine, but not on consumption. Modern systems for managing the operation of internal combustion engines level the rate of combustion of fuel at any load for the most complete and profitable combustion of the working mixture, and it costs high -octane gasoline more expensive due to the applied fuel additives.

The council is fourth

“The higher the tire pressure, the more fuel saving”

Dangerous misconception that can lead to an accident. There are technical requirements for tires, non -compliance with which can lead to an accident. The most important parameter is the pressure in the tire. Deviation of no more than 1 is allowed.5-2.5 % of the required. The pumped tire slightly reduces fuel consumption, but at the same time the control of the car deteriorates and the braking distance increases. It is just dangerous.

The fifth advice

“A working air conditioner increases fuel consumption …”

Yes, this is true, but other devices and devices also increase fuel consumption, for example, the on light or audio system. But at a speed of movement of more than a hundred kilometers per hour and open windows create additional air resistance, which leads to a certain increase in fuel consumption. The choice remains with you, or a comfortable ride on a hot day, or insignificant savings. Why do you need a car with air conditioning?

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